
Jack came in last week and brought with him the ‘Nordbord’ or hamstring testing apparatus. This was specifically designed to assess athletes’ isometric hamstring strength vs their eccentric strength.

The test involves kneeling on a pad with your heels through 2 straps that are connected to pressure senses that collect data to a computer.

You are first asked to do an isometric contraction (contracting your hamstrings without lengthening or shortening the muscle). Then you are asked to complete an eccentric load which involves keeping your knees and ankles grounded by the straps and your body falling forward as slowly and as far as you can before letting go. The computer then generates a comparison between your isometric control and your eccentric control.

Ideally your eccentric strength should be better than your isometric strength and knowing this information is vital for preventing hamstring tears which are all too common in many sports! From the data a specific exercise plan can be prescribed.

Thanks for sharing with us Jack! Good luck with testing all of the athletes!

Check out this article below on the QUT researchers that came up with the idea of the NordBord



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