
Barbell Back Squat

  1. Set up both hands evenly spaced apart on the bar (roughly lining up the pinky finger with the ring on both sides of the bar).
Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 1

2. Step under the bar and squeeze your shoulders blades together to create a “shelf” and gently pull the barbell into your shoulders to create stiffness

3. Brace through your core then lift the bar off the rack and step back in a controlled manner.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 1

4. Screw your heels into the ground and keep your weight evenly distributed between your big toe, little toe and heel

5. Gently inhale to fill your diaphragm and brace your core

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 1

6. Squat down as if you are sitting down into a chair then drive your feet into the ground to stand up again

Aim to reach the depth where your thighs are at or slightly above parallel to the floor

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 1

7. Maintain your core tension, when stepping forward and re racking the bar

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 1
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