Exercise Sheets - All home exercise instructions
Click on the hyperlinks for the exercise sheetTemporo-Mandibular Joint (Jaw) Exercises
Neck Exercises
- Cervical flexion stretch
- Cervical lateral flexion static hold with powerband
- Cervical Strength: Yeah nahs
- Deep neck flexor strengthening at wall with cushion
- Deep neck flexor strengthening lying down
- Deep neck flexor strengthening lying down with dumbbells
- Deep neck flexor strengthening standing with banded resistance
- Isometric neck contractions
- Median nerve glides
- Radial nerve glides
- Cervical extension isometric with theraband
- Cervical extension in 4 point kneel
- Cervical supine deep neck Flexors with head lift
- Cervical extension wall plank
Thoracic Exercises
Shoulder Exercises
- Banded wall climb
- Bent over row
- Capsule stretch with powerband
- Double arm external shoulder rotation with band
- Horizontal row (with powerband)
- Hand behind back (stretch with towel)
- Isometric shoulder abduction
- Isometric pronation (with theraband)
- Push ups (on wall)
- Push ups (kneeling)
- Push ups (on toes)
- Push ups (advanced)
- Single arm push up
- Scapular retraction
- Shoulder external rotation & flexion (Rotator cuff control)
- Shoulder external rotation (with theraband)
- Shoulder horizontal external rotation (with theraband)
- Single arm row
- Upper trap shrugs
- Upper trap shrugs with weights
- Single arm shoulder shrug in external rotation
- Double Arm Raise With Stick
Elbow and Wrist Exercises
Core (Abdominal) Exercises
Lumbar (Lower back) Exercises
- Bird dog
- Cat stretch with hip extension – reformer
- Curl up (Posterior Pelvic Tilt) – level 1
- Farmers walks
- Golfer’s lift – drinking bird
- Good morning with barbell
- Hip hinge
- Hip hinge (with kettlebell)
- Jefferson curl
- Lumbar McKenzie Extension
- Lumbar Rotation stretch
- Leaning tower
- Lunge to get down to the floor (or up from the floor)
- Lumbar (low back) flexion stretch – supine
- Lumbar Flexion + Rotation (unilateral toe-touch)
- Palloff Press (Anti- rotation)
- Sneezing
- Standing decompression (reaching to the sky)
- Stress free standing
- Sitting posture
- Tie shoelaces (standing on chair)
- Wide sit to stand
- Lumbar nerve tensioners supine
Pelvis and SIJ Exercises
Hip Exercises
- Arabesque
- Bridging on ground – double leg
- Bridging on ground – single leg
- Bridging – single leg – reformer
- Clams in sidelying – hip external rotation
- Clams in sidelying with Theraband
- Clams full range – advanced
- Crab walks with Theraband
- Fire hydrants with Theraband
- Gluteus minimus activation in sidelying
- Hip extension in standing – reformer
- Hip extension in 4 point kneel – reformer
- Hip hitches from neutral
- Hip Hitch with Abduction
- Hip external rotation in standing – reformer
- Hip abduction on footplate – reformer
- Isometric Hip Abduction (in seated)
- QF activation (hip stabilisers) – prone
- QF (deep hip rotator) activation – standing
- Side bridge
- Side bridge with star
- Side lying Hip Abduction
- Hip abduction isometric
- Standing Hip flexion
- Hip abduction seated with microband
- Seated Hip Internal Rotation
- Couch Stretch
Knee Exercises
- Lunges – reformer
- Lunges with Fit-Ball – Level 3
- Lunges with weights – foot raised
- Lunges – Level 3
- Sit to Stands – Squats
- Sit to Stands – Dumbbell Front Squats
- Sit to Stands – Goblet Squats
- Squats at wall, single leg with biceps – level 7
- Squats at wall, single leg with biceps – level 8
- Wall squat – Double leg
- Quadriceps setting with small ball
- Terminal Knee Extension with Powerband
- Single Leg Sit to Stand
- Step up