
FIFA 11 Warm-up Drill - Exercise Sheet

Exercise Reps Purpose Before Games
The Bench – Plank with Leg lift 2 Core Stability  
Sideways Bench – Side plank on knee, with upper leg hip abduction 2 Core Stability  
Nordic Hamstrings Curl 5 Hams Eccentric Stability  
Cross-Country Skier in Single leg stance 15 Proprioception Yes
Chest-press in Single leg stance 10 Proprioception Yes
Forward Bend in Single leg stance 10 Proprioception  
Figure 8 between legs in Single leg stance 10 Proprioception  
Jumps over line (side to side and fwd/back) 10 Dynamic stabilization and plyometrics Yes
Zigzag shuffle 2 Dynamic stabilization  
Bounding 30 metres  Dynamic stabilization and plyometrics  
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