Summary: This week, Michael Dermansky sits down with Valerie Judge, founder and managing director of Rose Phoenix...
The Confident Body Show
Welcome to THE CONFIDENT BODY, this is the show in which experienced health professionals discuss how we can get the most out of our bodies for the lifestyles we choose.
We want to ensure everyone can exercise and get the most out of life, no matter how complicated or complex your injuries or issues are.
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Ep 32: Walking the distance – a client story
Summary: This week, Michael Dermansky is joined by Paul Moritz, a long distance race walker and client of MD Health,...
Ep 31: Returning to sport after a long break
Summary: This week, Michael Dermansky is joined by Pinakin Godse, a sports physiotherapist with a rich background as...
Ep 30: Returning to running from a knee injury
Returning to running from a knee injury-Summary: This week, Michael Dermansky has a very special guest in the studio…...
Ep 29: Motivation to exercise: how do you get it?
Summary: This week, we’ve got another client journey to share with you. Michael is joined by special guest Trevor...
Ep 28: Getting your body ready for the ski season
Summary: This week, Michael welcomes back Josh Blencowe from MD Health to explore a biomechanical perspective on...