
Lunge to get down to the floor (or up from the floor)

The lunge to floor is to help you get down onto the floor with less stress on your lower back.

1. Stand with good posture.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 1

2. Step one foot back onto the ball of your foot and lower yourself into a lunge, all the way to the floor (one knee on the floor).

You can use a chair or low bench for extra support if you need it.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

3. Relax this foot, so that you are no longer on the ball of the foot, but the top of the foot is resting on the ground.

Bring the other foot back, so you are in a tall kneeling position.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

4. Sit back onto your heels (low kneeling position)

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

5. Hinge forward from your hips to put your hands on the floor. To do this, maintain a neutral spine by keeping your shoulder blades pulled back, and your tailbone slightly turned upwards, as you rock forwards from your hips, until your hands can touch the floor.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

6. Crawl your hands forwards until you are in a 4-point kneeling position

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

7. Straighten out one leg and extend the arm on the same side, to lower yourself onto your side.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

8. Put your top elbow and top knee out in front of your body, and use them to roll over onto your back

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2

Reverse the process to get up from the floor.

Thoracic Wall Rotation Stretch 2
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