
This month’s blog is a great introduction to the week on maintaining an even balance between physical and mental health. We all have mental health, and we all know how much it matters.

Following from last year’s event, we are continuing to support the campaign of Exercise right Week for 2019. This year our theme is #ActiveAging, promoting a physical lifestyle across all ages.

Some days we feel like we’re pro surfers on the wave that is life. Other days, it feels like we get dumped by the exact same wave and eat sand. The World Health Organisation defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his/her community”.
When you’re in a state of good mental health you are able to maintain a sense of calm, control and well-being, despite the ups and downs that the week throws at you. It’s this mental resilience that gets worn away when we don’t engage in activities to maintain our good state of mental health and well-being.
For full view of the blog, please follow the link below;


Stayed tuned on the dates between the 20th – 26th May for upcoming events, offers and resources in supporting our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (Nick Adkins, Andrea Matias & Nicole Davies) through this major campaign.


Do you have any questions?

Call us on (03) 9857 0644 or (07) 3505 1494 (Paddington)

Email us at admin@mdhealth.com.au

Check out our other blog posts here

Our clinical staff would be happy to have chat if you have any questions.

Take the first step to a healthier you!

Would you prefer for someone to contact you regarding booking your Initial Physiotherapy appointment, Initial Exercise Physiology, Initial Osteopathy session or FREE Full Body Assessment*?

Or do you have any other enquiry about our services at MD Health?

Please fill in this form and someone from MD Health will be in touch with you soon.

Alternatively please call us on 03 9857 0644 (Kew East), 03 9842 6696 (Templestowe), 03 8683 9442 (Carlton North) or 07 3505 1494 (Paddington) to book now!

*Please note only the Full Body Assessment is a FREE service. The Full Body Assessment is for new clients at MD Health or returning clients who haven’t been in for 6 months or longer who intend to particpiate in our 13 Week Clinical Pilates Program**.

For all new clients who wish to come in for a one-off, casual or adhoc basis for Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology the Initial Physiotherapy or Initial Exercise Physiology appointment is a paid service.

** The 13 Week Clinical Pilates Program at MD Health is not a lock in contract and you are not required to attend for the full 13 weeks if you do not wish.

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