
Compelling new research shows a simple test you can do almost anywhere can tell whether or not you will die prematurely.

Have you ever wondered what your likelihood is of living to old age?

The simple test of being about to climb 4 flights of stairs as a predictor of higher risk of heart disease and cancers in general works because it tests a combination of:

  • Heart or lung fitness under a higher workload than walking or running
  • Tests the body’s ability to produce power as it requires more work to push your body up against gravity
  • Is also a test of balance and stability.  Falls due to lack of muscular strength and control are a major cause of falls as you age, which risks hip fractures

We know that the ideal guidelines to fitness and getting the most out of life are:

  • Strength training – 2 -3 times a week (30min)
  • Fitness training or vigorous exercise (being somewhat puffed) – 2 – 3  times a week  (20-30min)
  • Some form of light exercises, such as walking on some other days

Ask one of our physiotherapists/exercise physiologists for how to optimise your fitness for health and to get the most out of life.

Want to know more?

If you want more information or would like to book for a FREE full body assessment with one of our Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologists, call us on 9857 0644 or email us at admin@md-health.websitepro.hosting

This simple test shows whether you are headed for an early death

Compelling new research shows a simple test you can do almost anywhere can tell whether or not you will die prematurely.

Source: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/this-simple-test-shows-whether-you-are-headed-for-an-early-death/news-story/f5503cd557dce95fa672129aa012cdf3
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